
Conditions by The Temper Trap

I'm reasonably deducing that Australia is a truly awesome place for producing something that sounds like a U2 and Local Natives genetically enhanced track. I'm talking about "Sweet Disposition" here people. There is something about a guitar that sounds like it's on some weird sugar high bouncing off the walls like a tweenie girl that's appealing, but I don't think it has anything to do with the tweenie. It sounds like it wanted to be jingy jangly folksy, but instead headed for Kings Of Leon.
The Temper Trap has been around for a couple years, and I'm still catching up on all that I missed. Conditions is a good rock album that is mostly straight forward. Though it's not so straight forward that you feel like you are listening to the same song over and over. It's really a fine line. On one side of the line is complete boredom, and the other is something so diverse that listeners think it's a bad mix tape of various genres. Okay maybe not a super fine line, but you get the point. There are a total of three singles from this album including "Love Lost", "Sweet Disposition", and "Fader". The first mentioned also has elements of U2, but also I'm hearing some of The Killers in there too. Maybe it's just me.
I've also included some other tracks to go along with this one including the afore mentioned Local Natives. Pacman (Not the underground rapper, the actual yellow dude that looks like a banana pie or something) may or may not make an appearance on one of these tracks too. I think you will know what I mean by that when you hear it. If not then sorry, sucker. (Or am I the real sucker here for failing in my communication?)