
Sounds Like Someone Read My Brain Wave Right

What does moving objects with your mind sound like you ask? You know that look that a dog gets when it's scratched in that spot it loves to be scratched in? I most likely had that look on my face when I first heard Telekinesis. It feels good, it's catchy and not overbearing. If Goldilocks was looking through the iPods of the three bears and found "Coast of Carolina", or "Rust" she would have said they were just right.
Not only is Telekinesis another band from the pacific northwest that I am quite fond of, but also after snooping around a bit I realized that Telekinesis and SSLYBY are soon to be tour buddies. Hooray. The lack of enthusiasm is due to the fact they will not be stopping anywhere near SLC when they hit road in the fall. So have fun east coasters. There is, however, a concession. I still have a great album right now. I don't know if it's the lo-fi gone hi-fi feeling of the band that I dig so much or if it's just the good feeling I feel listening to "Coast of Carolina". It's a song to smile to as you drive to the park, or to the beach, or especially to a DMV. It's guaranteed to ward off any feelings of impatience, or even the digust you feel of the creeper who is mouth breathing all over you in line. It will certainly make the experience more bearable.
The other tracks I've included are from MGMT (management), Miike Snow (don't ask me how to pronounce that one), What Made Milwaukee Famous, and The Spring Standards. I also changed players because playlist wasn't delivering. Some older songs have been changed too. Enjoy!

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